Taneytown Volunteer Fire Company

Past Incidents
Fire EMS
2021 409 1367
2020 444 1268
2019 495 1520
2018 430 1396
2017 480 1428
2016 490 1318
2015 453 1167
2014 424 1092
2013 382 1037
2012 399 1032
2011 393 1079
2010 453 1048

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Signed on November 18, 2020 at 9:37 PM
Name: Dave Libershal

Thanks for being there when needed. We personally appreciate the excellent EMS service we've had. Also, enjoy the crab feats and bull roasts, carnival, etc.

I know these are hard times and maybe that is why we haven't seen a recent fund drive. But I have a feeling you can always use some help with money.

I suggest that you put up some Donation info and even a link to donate on your web page. And, I'm guessing that you are a 501(c)3 organization but listing that would also be helpful. I looked at just a couple other Carroll County fire company web sites and several like Reese and Westminster have easy to see and use Donation links.

Best wishes and take care of yourselves.

Signed on March 30, 2020 at 1:34 PM
Name: Elliott
Web Address: bigwigshairsalon.co.uk/

Great Job!

Signed on November 26, 2019 at 1:39 AM
Name: Jonathan Frank
Rank/Title: fire fighting buff
Location: Glendale WI

I am a big firefighting buff i collect patches and i would greatly be interested in one of yours. I happen to like your site.

Signed on November 02, 2019 at 11:38 PM
Name: Sam
Web Address: designfeu.com

Thank you so much for your service and all you do for our community!

Signed on February 19, 2019 at 10:57 AM
Name: James styles
Rank/Title: SFC Retired
Location: 3772 STONE RD

I was hoping you would have a link to donate online.

Thanks for all you do!!!
James Styles
SFC Retired

Signed on January 03, 2019 at 9:49 AM
Name: Del Howery Jr.

I wanted to thank you for having this site up. I tripped upon it the spring of 2014 while composing driver training presentations for my company. I discovered your photos from the incident on 6 May 2104 while doing a Google search for incidents involving a tractor trailer dropping a wheel off the edge of the road. One particular photo from that day illustrated precisely why you roll the vehicle to a stop if you drop a wheel off the road instead of trying to yank the vehicle back. I have used the photo ever since (credited and sited, of course) to teach drivers the consequences of choosing the wrong way of doing things. I do also stress prevention of such things by "keeping your head in the game" by not being distracted by phones, inexperience with the vehicle or controls, smoking, tuning the radio, day dreaming and the like.

I am happy to say, with your help, I know of at least one incident that was prevented because of the presentation. Thanks again.

Del Howery Jr.
Training Coordinator
QES Pressure Pumping

P.S. I forgot to mention that both of my parents are retired from the Fremont County (WY) Fire Fighters. I grew up around the firehouse and volunteering my time as a kid. They still wear the patch I designed while I was in high school.

Signed on January 03, 2019 at 9:40 AM
Name: Del Howery Jr.

I wanted to thank you for having this site up. I tripped upon it the spring of 2014 while composing driver training presentations for my company. I discovered your photos from the incident on 6 May 2104 while doing a Google search for incidents involving a tractor trailer dropping a wheel off the edge of the road. One particular photo from that day illustrated precisely why you roll the vehicle to a stop if you drop a wheel off the road instead of trying to yank the vehicle back. I have used the photo ever since (credited and sited, of course) to teach drivers the consequences of choosing the wrong way of doing things. I do also stress prevention of such things by "keeping your head in the game" by not being distracted by phones, inexperience with the vehicle or controls, smoking, tuning the radio, day dreaming and the like.

I am happy to say, with your help, I know of at least one incident that was prevented because of the presentation. Thanks again.

Del Howery Jr.
Training Coordinator
QES Pressure Pumping

Signed on October 11, 2017 at 6:33 PM
Name: Garland Brabson
Web Address: 166 Saddletop Drive

Do you ever hold a fund drive? Would like to contribute $ to your
Have had occasion to use your EMS service and it was most appreciated.

Thank you

Bud&Pat Brabson

Signed on October 02, 2017 at 10:15 AM
Name: Brabson Family
Web Address: 166 Saddletop Drive

When do you have your annual fund drive? Would like to contribute.
Is there a separate ambulance service?

We send out 3 fund drives a year, not sure when the next one will be mailed. All Fire, Rescue, & EMS services are provided by the Taneytown Vol. Fire Co.
Thank you!

Signed on March 28, 2017 at 11:25 PM
Name: Bill cleveland

I love the youtube videos very awesome trucks

Signed on May 27, 2016 at 8:12 PM
Name: Katie
Location: PA

I went to 9 fire company carnivals in 2015. Taneytown was by far the best. I am looking forward to going back again this year.

Signed on April 11, 2015 at 2:41 PM
Location: westminster

atten: Craig Bare, question? why did the gun bingo get canceled ? are you going to have another one later ? if so please put my e-mail address on your mailing/e-mail list for the next on
i can be reached at 443-604-8133 if you want to talk direct

Signed on March 07, 2015 at 5:18 AM
Name: John Ham
Web Address: www.spa-etf.com/best-etf-list/

Keep up the good work.

Signed on October 30, 2014 at 12:43 PM
Name: Tarah and Addison Myers

I just wanted to take a moment and say Thank You to Fire Fighter Dave. My 3.5 year old daughter has always wanted to stop if the trucks were out. Today was her lucky day! We stopped, met Dave who proceeded to take time to show her equipment, let her hop in the trucks, showed her the ambulance and gave her a hat and coloring book. He made her day! As soon as we got home she told her Dad and sister all about her visit! Thank you so much! Means a lot!

Signed on July 20, 2014 at 5:20 PM
Name: daryl pearce

very nice looking web site very nice looking rescue its about time guys

Signed on December 24, 2013 at 6:52 PM
Name: Dan Smith
Web Address: aloeverasbenefits.com
Location: Taney

Love these guys :) Always there to help :) Merry christmas and happy new year guys!

Signed on September 15, 2013 at 11:57 AM
Name: robert bob lalas
Rank/Title: Health Care Insurance Blog
Web Address: healthinsurancemain.com/
Location: Philippines

I enjoy this website, i learn a lot of new things in my study, having socialize to others and getting their different ideas.

Signed on May 07, 2013 at 11:20 AM
Name: Bob Jeffries
Rank/Title: Lt.
Web Address: www.pinchfire.com
Location: Pinch,Wv (Kanawha Co.)

Very nice beginning, looking forward to seeing more content as added.God Bless, Stay Safe, Look out for each other.

Signed on May 03, 2013 at 11:10 PM
Name: Daniel Keeney
Web Address: www.fire-rescuetoys.net
Location: United States

Looks good Craig and I see Godaddy help you out as well getting the domain to work with the new website.

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Firehouse Solutions
Taneytown Volunteer
Fire Company Inc.

39 East Baltimore Street
Taneytown, MD 21787

Emergency Dial 911
Non-Emergency: 410-756-6253
E-mail: info@tvfc5.org
Copyright © 2025 Firehouse Solutions (A Service of Technology Reflections, Inc.)